You are looking for an alternative financing for your studies? Valuable links and information about the option scholarships are available here.
National Scholarship Program
On 01/02/2011, the Federal Education Ministry (Bundesbildungsministerium) started the "Deutschlandstipendium". Scholars receive € 300 per month, 50 % each raised by private donors and the federal government (see infographics). More information can be found under the corresponding homepage
Scholarships from foundations
Scholarships are awarded by various foundations in addition to an idealistic grant. The so-called "talented educational institutions (Begabtenförderungswerke)" receive public funding for this. The scholarship is based on slightly more favourable BAföG criteria and has no loan share. Regardless of the economic family situation, a tuition fee of € 300 will be paid. Please ask the Department of Student Finance of the Studierendenwerk Göttingen for a non-binding forecast.
An overview of the "Begabtenförderungswerke" with links to the liaison lecturers offers the University of Göttingen.
Private foundations
Private foundations also grant scholarships in individual cases, which are free in time and material and for which very different conditions must be met. Scholarship search A good overview of all types of scholarships can be found on the website (in German only).