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Nigth flea market


You have no more room in the kitchen? You have cleaned out your wardrobe and don't know where to go with the clothes? You have things at home you simply can't use anymore? Maybe someone else is happy about it. Sort out, pack everything, polish and then come to the Night Flea Market on 16.05.2025 in the Zentralmensa.

IMPORTANT: Due to high demand, the stands will be raffled off. You can apply for a stand using an online form approximately 4 weeks before the event. Further information will follow.

Cultural Office

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 4
Entrance 4b, level 0
37073 Göttingen

Ms Kaufmann, Head of department

Opening Hours

Appointments by arrangement
or Tel.: 0551 - 39 35 322 (approx. 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m)
