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Day care Centres

Welcome, we look forward to your visit!

The Studierendenwerk Göttingen offers full-time, loving and high-quality care, education and training by skilled staff for children from twelve months to elementary school age in six day care centres. The facilities of the Studierendenwerk Göttingen care for the children of student parents, university staff and generally children from the city of Göttingen. All institutions are guided by the principles of the situational approach and are inspired by the influences of reggio education as well as by Maria Montessori and Emmi Pikler.

The acclimatisation period according to the Berlin acclimation model represents another important cornerstone of the conception of our pedagogy. An important aspect of the accompaniment of the children on their development path is the cooperation with parents and families. We value good contact between parents and educators for the benefit of the children.

In all our facilities, everyday integrated language education has a high priority. "Language, as a key to the world" is a core element of our educational work and finds support in learning and developmental documentation about, with and for the child, which is prepared by the educators and is available as a portfolio to each child.

Our facilities are located in central and infrastructurally interesting locations in the city of Göttingen. To meet the wishes and needs of the children entrusted to us and their families, each institution has its own emphasis in pedagogical work. These range from bilingual and everyday integrated language learning and language education through integrative-inclusive offers, intercultural learning to aesthetic education, movement and care in a family atmosphere. In our facilities, all children enjoy full board. Bringing along food is, therefore, not necessary.

Have we sparked your interest? Then we are happy to introduce you to the details and a virtual tour of our facilities on the following pages.

Click here for the central registration,

For questions about the care and education of the children or to the concepts and priorities of the institutions and to register your child, feel free to contact us. Our office hours and contact details can be found in the right column.

Kinderkrippe Goßlerstraße

This refurbished turn-of-the-century villa houses the Kinderkrippe Goßlerstraße in the immediate vicinity of the central campus. 

Kinderkrippe am Campus

The Kinderkrippe am Campus is characterized by its back garden and easy access to the central campus. 

Kinderkrippe am Wall

This rather small institution is located in the city center of Göttingen, at the historic city wall. This nursery also has a garden.


Kita Theodor-Heuss-Str

The integrative Kita Theordor-Heuss-Straße is situated in a quiet location. With a great international variety of supervised children, it convinces by a relaxed coexistence. 

Kita am Nordcampus

The special feature of this facility on the north campus is its bilingualism in German and English. The Kita am Nordcamous is located in a ground floor building and has a large garden. 


Krippengruppe ATW

Welcome to the smallest day care facility of the Studentenwerk. 15 children can feel at home in this very familiar facility.


Platz der Göttinger Sieben 4
Entrance 4b, level 0
37073 Göttingen

Ms Lorey-Vaupel, Head of department 
Tel.: 0551 - 39 35 156

Opening Hours

Mon - Thur: 11 am - 2.30 pm
Fri: 10 am - noon
