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Coaching offers

Whether at the beginning, the end of the studies or during the PhD, the team of the PSC supports you in an advisory and supportive way. Here you can find out more about the coaching offers that will make your way through study or PhD easier.

Getting started

Well equipped – from the beginning!

You have just moved to Göttingen or are new to the university? You would like to get an overlook of the university jungle and orientation in the world of seminars, modules, papers, exams and oral exams? You would like to know what a good exam preparation looks like and how to organise your time correctly?

The PSB offers you the support at the beginning of your studies that you need to

  • successfully start your student life,
  • be able to use your potential well from the beginning,
  • recognize difficulties early and overcome them constructively,
  • be able to master study and
  • everyday situations andbe able to build well-functioning social contacts. 

Interested in coaching? Then send us an e-mail with the subject line "Coaching: Getting started" via the contact form!

Pre-Graduate Coaching

If not now, then when? 

You need support to tackle the last hurdles of study, e.g., oral exams or the thesis? You are already in the double-digit semester area and have not been to university for a longer time? You are undecided between dropout and graduation? 

In individual and / or group coaching, the PSC offers you the opportunity to

  • analyse your individual situation,
  • create a work or time schedule,
  • try effective learning and working techniques,
  • cope with examination fears andexchange with students in a similar situation.


Pre-doctorate coaching

To get a PhD and then kiss the Gänseliesel girl (this fountain is the most well-known landmark of the city), this is what many students in Göttingen long for. A PhD is still associated with the idea of social recognition and better career opportunities. 

But getting a PhD also means having to work in a self-structured manner over a long period of time. Sometimes problems arise and there are times when feelings of too much and self-doubt creep into the foreground. In these times, it is helpful to seek support in the Pre-doctorate coaching. 

Interested in coaching? Then send us an e-mail with the subject line "Pre-doctorate coaching" via the contact form!

How do we support PhD students?

  • Assistance in coping with crises and psychological health problems
  • Conflict managementStress management training in courses and in individual counselling
  • Burn-out prevention
  • Courses and individual counselling for effective time and work management
  • Writing blockade treatment (in cooperation with the university's writing centres)
  • Support in the search for the right contact person for further career planning (cooperation with the university team of the Employment Agency, the employment promotion Göttingen, the Career Service)
  • Assistance in finding the right people to solve problems such as financing, etc.
Common problems of PhD students

Problems with self-structured work

PhD students must often work alone for years, even if they are involved in a graduate program or work group. Often, there is a lack of contact persons, which is particularly serious if the mentor is difficult to reach/approach. The less consultation with the supervisor, the more doubts arise in the path of the research.  

Problems with mentors 

Since many PhD students have a certain amount of dependency on their mentor over a long period of time, conflicts with the mentor and conflicts among the mentors can interfere with the PhD student's work.  

Problems in the compatibility of scientific work, work, family, leisure 

Researchers who are attached to a department often suffer from the problem of double burden through research and teaching and the work on their own PhD. Greater problems occur when the requirements of the department exceed the available working hours and the PhD candidate cannot sufficiently distance him/herself from the requirements due to the perceived dependency. The neglect of the PhD or a chronic work overload can be the result. Other work, which is in addition to the dissertation is an additional burden, so, PhD students, because of their older age, are more often than regular students in the situation, that they already have a family and must coordinate parenting with their often-self-structured work on the dissertation.

Funding problems 

Financing worries due to temporary jobs or the need to earn money due to inadequate funding are detrimental for the work on dissertation.

Problems with scientific work

Nobody knows everything. Like students, some PhD students are uncertain about scientific work. This applies to subject-specific skills (e.g., method selection, research design) as well as general skills such as time management, literature research, scientific writing.

Motivation problems due to fears of the future

In terms of job perspectives, some PhD students feel that they are over-stressed in the conflict between being worried about a future job and fearing that they will not be able to practically meet the job requirements for which they would have to be theoretically qualified.

Personal problems

Personal problems such as family conflicts, dealing with stress situations or a physical or psychological illness can often not be discussed and absorbed in contexts such as graduate colleges.

Coaching group for international Master and PhD students

Completing  a doctorate or master’s thesis requires a high level of self-discipline, good organizational skills and independent work over a long period of time. It is not uncommon for these work conditions to result in feelings of self-doubt or feeling overloaded with work and expectations. During these periods it can prove helpful to get support within the framework of a coaching-group. This group, specifically for international students, will give you the opportunity to not feel alone with your concerns, to develop skills necessary for your work, to share your problems and questions, and to help strengthen your self-esteem.

A new group will be announced here.

For more information please contact Tracy Erwin-Grabner: tracy.erwin-grabner[at]

Psychosocial Counseling

Goßlerstraße 23
37073 Göttingen

Ms Goldmann
Tel.: 0551 - 39 35 071
Monday to Thursday 9-13 h

Open consultation hours by telephone

We offer open telephone consultation hours in which you can contact us with your concerns and make an appointment.

The next open hours are:

Thursday, 20.02.2025, 12-13 h
Jona Ebker (he)
Tel.: 0551 39 35 208

Thursday, 27.02.2025, 12 - 13 h
Penka Schappeit (she)
Tel.: 0551 39 35 291
